Setup a DLNA media server attachment
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Install miniDLNA media server:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf autopoint gettext \ libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libexif-dev \ libogg-dev libflac-dev libid3tag0-dev libjpeg-dev \ libsqlite3-dev libvorbis-dev # or, if you have a src line in /etc/apt/sources.list: apt-get build-dep minidlna # download sources wget -q -O - "" | tar -xzvf - cd minidlna-* # compile and install ./ ./configure --prefix=/opt/minidlna --with-log-path=/mnt/ramd/dlna_log --with-db-path=/mnt/ramd/dlna_db make -j 4 make install cp minidlna.conf /opt/minidlna/ # configure and run server cd /opt/minidlna nano minidlna.conf # change user, media_dir and friendly_name ./sbin/minidlnad -f minidlna.conf -P -d -v [-R] elinks http://localhost:8200/ # test results |
- There is a problem with Samsung F-series TV not showing video thumbnails, you can fix it with the attached
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | diff --git a/upnpsoap.c b/upnpsoap.c index 441da98..2071317 100644 --- a/upnpsoap.c +++ b/upnpsoap.c @@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ callback(void *args, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName) { /* Video and audio album art is handled differently */ if( *mime == 'v' && (passed_args->filter & FILTER_RES) && !(passed_args->flags & FLAG_MS_PFS) ) { - ret = strcatf(str, "<res protocolInfo=\"http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_TN\">" + ret = strcatf(str, "<res protocolInfo=\"http-get:*:image/jpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_SM\">" "http://%s:%d/AlbumArt/%s-%s.jpg" "</res>", lan_addr[passed_args->iface].str, runtime_vars.port, album_art, detailID); |
- If you want to use filenames for video files instead of their metadata you can use the attached
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | diff --git a/metadata.c b/metadata.c index 8a10c77..48c2f37 100644 --- a/metadata.c +++ b/metadata.c @@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@ video_no_dlna: strftime(, 20, "%FT%T", modtime); } - if( !m.title ) + //if( !m.title ) { m.title = strdup(name); strip_ext(m.title); |
- To change the default media server icon you have to modify
source file, use these ruby commands to convert youricon.png
1 2 3 4 5 | {sm: 48, lrg: 120}.each{|fmt, size| %w{png jpeg}.each {|ext| `convert icon.png -scale #{size}x#{size}\! #{size}.#{ext}` cpp_out ="#{size}.#{ext}"){|b| '\x'+b.to_s(16) }.join"icons.c",'a'){|f| f.puts %Q|unsigned char #{ext}_#{fmt}[] = "#{cpp_out}";| } } } |
Note: Video cover file names must be in the format filename.ext.cover.jpg
, audio folders can contain a cover.jpg